A Voice for the Voiceless.
How To Help
An animal rescue organization in the Southeast area of the USA; advocating for those who do not have a voice. Humane Society of the Southeast has many ways that you can help.

We are always in need of people to help. There are so many things to do. If you would like to volunteer, please fill out an application and tell us what you like to do and what you do best. At the moment we are looking for someone who...

The Humane Society of the Southeast is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax-exempt to the extent provided by law. HSS Wish List: Items needed: * Diamond Naturals or Authority Brand (Petsmart only) or 4 Health pet foods (Tractor Supply only) – Grain-Free/Chicken blends (small bites) * Large-sized Puppy...
Mission Statement
The Humane Society of the Southeast, Inc. was conceived and organized to focus on the following goals in order to better serve both the animal and the human communities.
To prevent cruelty to, to relieve the suffering of and provide humane treatment for animals. To determine, then eliminate, the causes of animal suffering through various means, including education and community assistance programs.
To advocate for pet population control and to assist the community to gain access to spay/neuter services.
To educate the community on animal issues, including health, maintenance, legislation, and training.
To develop a region wide network of integrated animal services.
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Adoption News
August 12, 2017 |
HSS: Available Animals for Adoption
Please visit our ‘Adopt A Pet’ pages to view our available foster animals by clicking the link: http://www.adoptapet.com/shelter86083-pets.html ...
February 14, 2014 |
HSS: Fostering Saves Lives!
Thank you for your consideration in learning more about HSS’ Foster Program; without you, we could not save the lives of so many precious animals in need. HSS strives to accommodate each individual home with a suited foster animal(s) to their specific home environment; each animal’s basic (necessary) needs are supplied (including food), and any medical care is covered by HSS. Please watch the following link to understand the fulfillment of opening your home to an animal in need: http://www.lifewithdogs.tv/2016/05/the-power-of-fostering-can-help/ If interested in providing a foster home or for more information about fostering, please email: info@Southeastrescue.org ....
January 6, 2014 |
HSS: Shop Chewy.com (discounted pet foods, treats, toys, etc. for your pets)
HSS: Order from Chewy.com to support the animals! They carry a HUGE selection of pet food, collars, treats, chews, toys, meds, etc -all delivered right to your door -plus they offer ‘Autoship’ with FREE Shipping on all orders over $49! Just click on the link below: http://www.chewy.com/rp/3326 ***Your 1st order thru Chewy will donate $20 to HSS*** Thank You!!!...